Speedport W 503 V

Date: 04/2010

Trouble with DynDNS.org

The newly acquired Speedport seems to not work properly with a dyndns dynamic ip. Although it has the option to update your domain to your changing IP, I noticed several times, that the old one is still active and I could not access the computer. (A second no-ip.org entry works here).

The solution is the update tool from the dyndns homepage.

After download, unzip to your appfolder (/opt?) and do

chmod +x /opt/inadyn/bin/linux/inadyn 

to make it executable. Use the sample config file in /etc/inadyn.conf and edit your account settings.

# Basic configuration file for inadyn
update_period_sec 600 # Check for a new IP every 600 seconds
username test
password test
dyndns_system dyndns@dyndns.org
alias test.homeip.net

To start it on every boot, I added

/opt/inadyn/bin/linux/inadyn &

to /etc/init.d/boot.local ← opensuse specific. Use your distro manual to find out which scripts are executed on startup.